1. Write a bash script to find GCD and LCM of two number.
Sample output:-
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh pgssp1.sh
Enter first nuumber: 30
Enter second nuumber: 12
GCD of 30 and 12 is 6
LCM Of 30 and 12 is 60
Sample output:-
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh pgssp11.sh 30 12
GCD of 30 and 12 is 6
LCM Of 30 and 12 is 60
Sample output:-
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh fact.sh 5
factorial of number 5 is: 120
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh fact.sh 13
factorial of number 13 is: 6227020800
4. WABS to find Binomial co-efficient of C(M,N) - value of the coefficient is given by the expression .
Sample output:-
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh bico.sh 9 3
Binomial coefficient of C(9 3) is 60480
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh bico.sh 8 4
Binomial coefficient of C(8 4) is 1680
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh bico.sh 5 2
Binomial coefficient of C(5 2) is 60
Explanation:- Two input is passed from command line and that is propagated to function one by one to find factorial of M , N and M-N. Similar to bash script function also access passed argument as $1.
5. WABS to check numbe is perfect number or not - input passed from command line. ( A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper positive divisors, that is, the sum of its positive divisors excluding the number itself )
Sample output:-
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh perfect.sh 4
Not perfect
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh perfect.sh 6
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh perfect.sh 28
Sample output:-
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh pgssp5.sh 5
1 1 2 3 5
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh pgssp5.sh 8
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh pgssp5.sh 9
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
7. WABS to check given number is Armstrong number or not.
Sample output:-
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh ams.sh
Enter number : 153
153 is an armstrong number
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh ams.sh
Enter number : 145
145 is not armstrong number
#!/bin/bash #find GCD and LCM of two numbers printf "Enter first nuumber: " read n1 printf "Enter second nuumber: " read n2 m=$n1 n=$n2 r=$n2 while [ $r -ne 0 ];do r=$(( n1%n2 )) if [ $r -eq 0 ];then break else ((n1=$n2)) ((n2=$r)) fi done printf "GCD of %d and %d is %d \n" $m $n $n2 printf "LCM Of %d and %d is %d \n" $m $n $((($m*$n)/$n2))
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh pgssp1.sh
Enter first nuumber: 30
Enter second nuumber: 12
GCD of 30 and 12 is 6
LCM Of 30 and 12 is 60
2.Write a bash script to find GCD and LCM , provided input is passed via command line while executing this script (Pass command line arguments).
#!/bin/bash #find GCD of two numbers - input at runtime n1=$1 n2=$2 m=$n1 n=$n2 r=$n2 while [ $r -ne 0 ];do r=$(( n1%n2 )) if [ $r -eq 0 ];then #echo "GCD is $n2" break else ((n1=$n2)) ((n2=$r)) fi done printf "GCD of %d and %d is %d \n" $m $n $n2 printf "LCM Of %d and %d is %d \n" $m $n $((($m*$n)/$n2))
Sample output:-
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh pgssp11.sh 30 12
GCD of 30 and 12 is 6
LCM Of 30 and 12 is 60
Explanation:- Here 30 and 12 are input to the bash script. It is accessed by script using $1 and $2. Here n1 is 30 and n2 os 20.
3. Write a bash script to find factorial of a number.
#!/bin/bash #find factorial of a number - input Passed as command line arguments n=$1 #Input passed via command line is stored in n fact=1 for i in `seq 1 $n`;do ((fact=fact*i)) done printf "factorial of number %d is: %d\n" $n $fact
Sample output:-
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh fact.sh 5
factorial of number 5 is: 120
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh fact.sh 13
factorial of number 13 is: 6227020800
4. WABS to find Binomial co-efficient of C(M,N) - value of the coefficient is given by the expression .
#!/bin/bash #find binomial coefficient of a two number - input Passed as command line arguments #function to find factorial of a number-Pass input argument to function function factorial { #echo $1 n=$1 fact=1 for i in `seq 1 $n`;do ((fact=fact*i)) done #printf "factorial of number %d is: %d\n" $n $fact } M=$1 N=$2 #call function for finding factorial of M factorial $1 fact1=$fact #call function for finding factorial N factorial $2 fact2=$fact dif=$(($m-$n)) #call function for finding factorial M-N factorial $dif fact3=$fact bico=$(($fact1/($fact2*fact3))) printf "Binomial coefficient of C($M $N) is %d \n" $bico
Sample output:-
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh bico.sh 9 3
Binomial coefficient of C(9 3) is 60480
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh bico.sh 8 4
Binomial coefficient of C(8 4) is 1680
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh bico.sh 5 2
Binomial coefficient of C(5 2) is 60
Explanation:- Two input is passed from command line and that is propagated to function one by one to find factorial of M , N and M-N. Similar to bash script function also access passed argument as $1.
5. WABS to check numbe is perfect number or not - input passed from command line. ( A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper positive divisors, that is, the sum of its positive divisors excluding the number itself )
#!/bin/bash #To check perfect number or not input via command line function perfectNumCheck { m=$1 iter=$(($m-1)) sum=0 for i in `seq 1 $iter`;do if (( $m%i==0)); then sum=$((sum + i)) fi done if [ $sum -eq $m ]; then echo "perfect" else echo "Not perfect" fi } perfectNumCheck $1
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh perfect.sh 4
Not perfect
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh perfect.sh 6
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh perfect.sh 28
6. WABS to generate fibonacci numbers. (Inpiut passed via command line for number of fibonacci to be generated)
#!/bin/bash #fibbonacci generation - Input via command line regarding how many fibbonacci number function fibonacci { N=$1 a=0 b=1 if [ $N -eq 1 ]; then printf 1 else printf $((a+b)) printf "\t" while [ $N -ne 1 ];do sum=$(($a+$b)) printf $sum printf "\t" ((a=$b)) ((b=$sum)) ((N=$N-1)) done fi } fibonacci $1 printf "\n"
Sample output:-
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh pgssp5.sh 5
1 1 2 3 5
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh pgssp5.sh 8
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh pgssp5.sh 9
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
7. WABS to check given number is Armstrong number or not.
#!/bin/bash #check armstrong number echo -n "Enter number : " read n input=$n sum=0 while [ $n -gt 0 ]; do (( rem= n%10 )) ((sum=$sum+(rem**3) )) # echo $sum ((n=n/10)) done if [ $input -eq $sum ];then echo "$input is an armstrong number " else echo "$input is not armstrong number "
Sample output:-
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh ams.sh
Enter number : 153
153 is an armstrong number
[zytham@s158519-vm scripts]$ sh ams.sh
Enter number : 145
145 is not armstrong number
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