However, from programmer point of view, the fundamental difference between is that - programmer has to create type of REF CURSOR(weak or strong) and its variable (called cursor variable) in their program unit (package body or anonymous block), however SYS_REFCURSOR is predefined REF CURSOR defined in standard package of Oracle located at following location in windows: %ORACLE_HOME%/rdbms/admin/stdspec.sql
where %ORACLE_HOME% = C:\oraclexe_32bit\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\
SYS_REFCURSOR available from Oracle 9i onwards as part of standard package and weak reference created for programmer easiness. Following declaration of SYS_REFCURSOR from "stdspec.sql":
/* Adding a generic weak ref cursor type */
type sys_refcursor is ref cursor;
Similarly, REF CURSOR type is created by programmer as part of program unit and cursor variable is created using "cur_ref_type" type.
/*Cursor type declarator by programmer*/
type cur_ref_type is ref cursor;
Sample PL/SQL program to demonstrate differences between them, below is the stored procedure that we want to execute using both SYS_REFCURSOR and REF CURSOR.
create or replace procedure get_employees_name( v_deptId_in NUMBER, v_cur OUT SYS_REFCURSOR ) --Note: SYS_REFCURSOR as parameter type used here because --it has been declaredin standard package it is a ref cursor. IS begin open v_cur for select FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME from employees where DEPARTMENT_ID = v_deptId_in; end get_employees_name;
Execution by creating a custom cursor type- REF CURSOR - notice "type custom_ref_cursor is ref cursor;" is used to create a cursor type and "v_cur custom_ref_cursor;" is creating a variable out of it.
--using refcursor -- declare
-declare ref cursor type type custom_ref_cursor is ref cursor; v_fname VARCHAR2(10); v_lname VARCHAR2(10); v_cur custom_ref_cursor; -declare ref cursor variable v_deptId_in NUMBER(2) := 90; begin HR.get_employees_name(v_deptId_in,v_cur); dbms_output.put_line('FIRST_NAME' || ' ' || 'LAST_NAME'); dbms_output.put_line('---------------------------------'); LOOP FETCH v_cur INTO v_fname, v_lname; EXIT WHEN v_cur%NOTFOUND; dbms_output.put_line(v_fname || ' ' || v_lname); END LOOP; CLOSE v_cur; end;
Execution using standard cursor - SYS_REFCURSOR- here "type custom_ref_cursor is ref cursor;" is commented and "v_cur SYS_REFCURSOR" is creating a cursor variable using predefined cursor as SYS_REFCURSOR.
declare --type rc is ref cursor; Not required v_fname VARCHAR2(10); v_lname VARCHAR2(10); v_cur SYS_REFCURSOR; --SYS_REFCURSOR used to create cursor variable v_deptId_in NUMBER(2) := 90; begin HR.get_employees_name(v_deptId_in,v_cur); dbms_output.put_line('FIRST_NAME' || ' ' || 'LAST_NAME'); dbms_output.put_line('---------------------------------'); LOOP FETCH v_cur INTO v_fname, v_lname; EXIT WHEN v_cur%NOTFOUND; dbms_output.put_line(v_fname || ' ' || v_lname); END LOOP; CLOSE v_cur; end;
Conclusion :- SYS_REFCURSOR is just a synonym for the REF CURSOR type. SYS_REFCURSOR has been created as part of standard package just to discourage boiler plate coding (in above created procedure get_employees_name- SYS_REFCURSOR used as cursor type other wise we would have to create a cursor type and use it, assume you have 100 similar procedure or function).Thanks Oracle for saving us from hitting keyboard unnecessarily !!!
========End of post==========
Read also:
1. Difference between Weak reference type and strong reference type ?
2. Difference between explicit cursor and cursor variable - CURSOR vs REF CURSOR.
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